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Big man post workout

1) Weak Hand warm up

a. Make 5 weakhand reverse layups driving with weakhand from each wing (10 total layups) Post Up Series a. Player spins ball to self in post, then execute a move—make 5 of each move

b. Moves (always start middle; right of left block):

1. Hook Shot/Turn Around Shot

2. Ball Fake /Hook Shot/Turn Around

3. Ball Fake/Step Through

4. Face Up/Ball Fake Explode to the finish

5. Face up/ Jab/ Explode

6. Face up Jab/Spin

Half Court Mikan Drill a. make 5 Mikan layups; SPRINT to half court and back (leave ball under hoop)

b. 5 trips (down and back)—make 5 each trip

Hooks in 2 a. Start at block or 1st hash

b. Turn over inside shoulder and make as many hook/turn around shots as possible in 2 minutes

c. Repeat from both sides 10)

Half Court Touch and Finish

a. touch backboard 5x with ball then finish

b. SPRINT to half-court and back (leave ball under hoop)

c. 5 trips (down and back)—make 5 each trip (switch up sides of the goal)

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