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Spartans Off Season improvement plan

1.     Do a self-evaluation of your game.  Reflect back on the season-what areas did you consistently desire to be more effective?  List these.


2.     Talk to your coach.   Ask us for 3-5 things we think you should focus on improving.  List these


3.     Combine these and come up with three areas that you feel are most important to focus on that will make the greatest impact on you as a basketball player.  List these three areas and mark them as “Off-Season Focus Areas.”


4.     Now list a desired outcome for each of the areas.  For example if you choose “free throw shooting” as a focus area, you may list the desired outcome as “Be a 80% free throw shooter”


5.     For each of your Focus Areas brainstorm drills, exercises and other methods that can help to achieve the desired outcome.  There are no right or wrong answers.  Just write down what comes to your mind.


6.     Look at your brainstorming list and choose no more than five things for each focus area.  These are the activities that you feel will be the most effective way to reach your desired outcome.


7.     Determine the amount of time you will devote to your Off-Season development plan.  You can list this as minutes per day or hours per week.  Keep in mind that there are other things that will be consuming your time so make sure to have high intensity, high focus sessions to maximize time.


8.     Finally, come up with a way to measure growth.  This is the only way to know if your plan is working.  You should chart and keep track of each session to do this.  For instance your plan may be to take a total of 100 jump shots at 15 feet coming off a down screen.  Makes and misses should be charted each time.  If growth is not happening you might need to reevaluate your plan.

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